Addressing Nitrate in California’s Drinking Water: Technical Report 8 - Funding and Policy Options


In California Senate Bill SBX2 1 (SBX2 1), the Legislature required the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) to prepare a Report to the Legislature to “improve understanding of the causes of [nitrate] groundwater contamination, identify potential remediation solutions and funding sources to recover costs expended by the State ... to clean up or treat groundwater, and ensure the provision of safe drinking water to all communities.” The State Water Board contracted with the University of California to address the Legislative mandate of SBX2 1. As part of that effort, this technical report reviews existing and potential future funding and regulatory programs for managing nitrate contamination in the groundwater and drinking water supplies in the Salinas Valley and Tulare Lake Basin. Major factual findings are made and several promising directions for regulatory and funding actions are proposed.


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