California Extreme Precipitation Symposium 2018, 7/9

The California Extreme Precipitation Symposium is an informal day of scientific and technical presentations meant to increase our knowledge and understanding of extreme precipitation events. Goals of CEPSYM are to improve flood risk management planning and increase warning time for large floods.

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Monday, July 9, 2018 New date
UC Davis Conference Center

Theme: Paleoclimate Insights for Planning Future Water Resources in California

The science of paleoclimatology studies past climate from its imprint on tree rings and other proxies. Reconstructed variables available at an ever-increasing spatial and temporal resolution from proxies include rainfall, temperature, streamflow, snowpack, soil moisture, fire history, and drought. The presentations in the morning session of the Symposium will be focused on reviewing the state of paleoclimate science with respect to the hydrology of California. In the afternoon session, the focus will be on exploring the utility of paleoclimate records for management of natural resources, such as water and forests.

The Symposium is geared to facilitate discussion and bring together scientists, resource managers, and stakeholders to explore the utility of paleo proxies in natural resources planning and management.

Sponsored by the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and the John Muir Institute of the Environment.

Visit the Web site to learn more!

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