a large body of water surrounded by land. https://unsplash.com/photos/a-large-body-of-water-surrounded-by-land-N8PYwD7Dl78
Blair Morris CC0 1.0

Linking wetland restoration design with functional fish habitat

In November, the State Water Contractors and California Department of Water Resources jointly hosted the Delta-Suisun Tidal Wetland Restoration Symposium. The goal of the Symposium was to (1) facilitate a space for wetland researchers and restoration managers to collectively exchange ideas and discuss the latest science on tidal wetland restoration and its at-risk fish species, (2) identify priority needs in the science, and (3) identify priority needs in adaptive management activities that will optimize wetland restoration for greater effectiveness.

An interdisciplinary team of ecologists and engineers, including PhD Candidate Dave Ayers, led a joint presentation entitled Linking Wetland Restoration Design Alternatives with Functional Fish Habitat in Tidal Wetlands. Joining Dave were colleagues Paul Stumpner (Hydrologist, USGS, California Water Science Center), Ramona Swenson (Restoration Ecologist, Environmental Science Associates), and Stephen Andrews (Water Resource Engineer, Resource Management Associates). In the talk, the team proposes a method for improving wetland design and implementation using ecological models (e.g. fish habitat model, primary production model, water residence time model). They also highlight priority studies to reduce modeling uncertainty going forward. 

Listen to the full talk on YouTube, here! (from minute 00:00–35:00; 25 min talk + 10 min Q&A)

Supplemental Information

Wetland Science Symposium 2023 - Agenda.pdf
Wetland Science Symposium 2023 - Save the Date.pdf


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