A dam with water pouring out of it.
Hetch Hetchy, Yosemite National Park. Photo by Tyke Jones; CC-Unsplash.

Snowpack in the West is melting rapidly. Where will all that extra water go?

After enduring a drought that spanned several decades, the wet season of 2022-23 has brought a long-awaited source of relief. Now with the snowpack melting rapidly and overflowing rivers and reservoirs, the excess water will need to be released. Read the coverage by ABC News, "Snowpack in the West is melting rapidly. Where will all that extra water go?," as experts, including Jay Lund (Vice Director and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering), weigh in on various solutions. 

Related: See also, "Water Wasted to the Sea?" on the California Water Blog. June 4, 2023.

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