UC Davis Give Day 2023 logo overlaid on a rushing river.

UC Davis Give Day 2023

UC Davis Give Day is happening now through 5 pm April 15th. Building on a successful Give Day 2022, we at the Center for Watershed Sciences are delighted to announce a number of very generous donors have stepped up to create several unlockable challenge gifts that support the work we do at CWS and UC Davis. Any gift ≥$5 will help towards unlocking these challenge gifts. Will you help us reach our goal?

  1. The Ecogeomorphology Field Course Fund supports classes teaching cross-disciplinary collaboration in expedition settings (see our course page and the 20th anniversary of Ecogeomorphology California Water Blog). 10 gifts of any size unlock an $8K challenge gift established by Charlotte Harvey ’66. Learn more here
  2. The “World Water Initiative Challenge” will bring UC Davis’ interdisciplinary expertise to bear on solving local & global water challenges. 15 gifts of any size unlock a $2.5K challenge gift established by Douglas Yerkes ‘91. Learn more here
  3. The Rod Stiefvater Foundation has activated the "Letters & Science World Water Initiative Challenge" with a challenge gift. 10 gifts of any size unlock a $5K gift to support interdisciplinary work on local & global water challenges. Learn more here
  4. Finally, supporting “Watershed Science Center” for #UCDavisGiveDay helps CWS with our dedication to the interdisciplinary study of critical water challenges, focusing on environmentally & economically sustainable solutions for water. Learn how to support us here

The funds are open now. You can also help the Center for Watershed Sciences by sharing information about these challenge opportunities with your networks before Give Day ends on April 15th. We appreciate your support for the Center and our mission!



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