Watercourse Engineering

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Our Mission

Provide scientifically based analytical assessments of aquatic systems that balance responsible uses and protection of water resources.

Our Approach

Develop innovative solutions for planning and management of water resources based on water quality science and engineering.

We Offer

Technical water resources and water quality assessments through scientific analysis, monitoring, and hydrologic and water quality modeling.

Shasta River

Interdisciplinary teams of Center scientists are investigating the causes for the decline of salmon and steelhead in Shasta River, historically one of the most productive tributaries in the lower Klamath Basin. A large spring complex (Big Springs Creek) provides the majority of its water, particularly during the summer.

Big Springs Creek

In 2008, Center researchers seized a rare opportunity to quantify the results of conservation action on a large scale. The Nature Conservancy bought ranchland along Big Springs Creek, a Shasta River tributary that had been degraded by cattle grazing. The conservancy continued ranching but fenced out cattle along the 2.2 mile stream.