Bonnie Magnuson-Skeels

Profile image for Bonnie Magnuson-Skeels

Position Title
Graduate Student Alum


Bonnie’s interest in spatial analysis of policy issues began when she realized the importance of using mapping to examine and analyze data. Originally from Idaho, she was strongly influenced by her parents, who are both hydrologists. She got her Bachelor’s degrees in International Studies, Economics, and French from the University of Idaho. After graduating, she worked at the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica for three years on public policy issues, specifically national security and military policy. Her experience at RAND illustrated how she could integrate her diverse skills to use new ways to visualize and communicate data. She decided to gain some technical knowledge of spatial analysis and came to the UC Davis Geography Graduate Group for her master’s degree. She is working with Professor Jay R. Lund on general risk management of water resources and policy-related issues. Hiking, skiing, cooking and reading are some of her hobbies. She enjoys historical fiction, and her favorite books are The Time Traveler’s Wife and Young Man and Fire.