Brad Arnold

Profile image for Brad Arnold

Position Title
Graduate Student Alum

  • California Department of Water Resources
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

Previously a graduate student at UC Davis in Water Resources Engineering Program, and Research Assistant at Center for Watershed Sciences (CWS), involved in various groundwater and agricultural sustainability projects. Balanced MS program requirements with full-time positions at the CA Dept. of Water Resources and later the Santa Clara Valley Water District in Southern Bay Area. Visit Professor Jay Lund's CWS website for documents and references.

Research Interests:     

  • Modeling and measurement analysis for optimizing water resources systems.
  • Conjunctive management practices and sustainable use of surface and groundwater.
  • General hydrology and irrigation and drainage engineering.
  • Efficient agricultural water use and conservation techniques.
  • Environmental and land use impacts of regional irrigation and water development projects.
  • Water supply and demand data management and user interfacing (AB-1755 Reqs).

Check LinkedIn Page for latest position(s) and work in California water resources.