Position Title
Emeritus Post-Doctoral Scholar
Graduate Student Alum
- Ecology
- Wildlife, Fish, & Conservation Biology
Dissertation: Tidal Marsh Habitat Use by Fishes in the San Francisco Estuary
Denise studies the role that tidal wetlands play in providing juvenile fish nursery habitat to native and non-native estuarine and migratory fishes in the San Francisco Estuary. She conducts multidisciplinary research with other Moyle Lab and CWS researchers in order to better understand physical and biological factors that create favorable conditions for foraging, growth and survival of juvenile fishes. Methods include Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tag technology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Bayesian statistics, and time-series analysis of long-term datasets. Denise is now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, working with Drs Albert Ruhi and Stephanie Carlson in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management.
- Conservation Biology
- Estuaries
- Fish Ecology
- Movement Ecology