Dylan K. Stompe

Dylan Stompe

Position Title
Graduate Student Alum


I am a second year PhD student advised by Dr. John Durand and Dr. Peter Moyle, studying the life history, abundance, and distribution of California and Oregon striped bass (Morone saxatilis). My work entails leveraging existing agency and university fish survey datasets to track trends in the abundance of striped bass and other species as well as determining within-estuary and oceanic migratory histories of large California and Oregon striped bass using otolith microchemistry and passive acoustic telemetry. Prior to starting graduate school at UC Davis I earned a master's degree in Biological Science from California State University, Chico, and worked with threatened and endangered salmonid populations as an Environmental Scientist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Follow my work at: https://www.instagram.com/ucd_sbp/

Research Interests & Expertise
  • Recreational/Commercial Fisheries
  • Striped Bass Life History and Management