Francisco Bellido Leiva

Francisco J. Bellido-Leiva 2024

Position Title
Postdoctoral Research Scholar


I received my Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of California-Davis in September 2021, developing optimization methods to assist decision-making processes focused on habitat restoration within the Sacramento Valley (California) for the recovery of the federally-listed winter-run Chinook Salmon. I am currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Scholar under Dr. Robert Lusardi on several freshwater systems in California: (1) understanding the impact of large dams (e.g., Shasta Dam) on the food-web and productivity dynamics of downstream ecosystems at the Central Valley, with a focus on how to alternatively manage this infrastructure to improve conditions within these novel and highly degraded habitats; (2) studying the effect of the Klamath River dam removal on the life-history diversity (natal origin, habitat use and outmigration) of fall-run Chinook using otolith stable isotope landscapes (i.e., isoscapes). I am also working with Dr. Jay Lund and Dr. Sarah Yarnell in an effort to develop a real-time optimization framework that uses forecasted environmental flow budgets to recommend flow schedules from reservoirs based on functional flows described by the California Environmental Flows Framework (CEFF).

Education and Degree(s)
  • Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California Davis