Jesse Jankowski

Profile image for Jesse Jankowski

Position Title
Graduate Student Alum

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • State Water Resources Control Board

Jesse is a MS graduate in Water Resources Engineering who researched at the Center for Watershed Sciences from 2016-2018. His research focused on consumptive water use modeling, water rights administration, and water accounting in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Jesse is also broadly interested in water resources systems analysis, modeling and optimization for decision support, and water policy. He served on the technical comparison and reporting team for the Delta Consumptive Water Use Comparative Study, prepared an inventory of Native American Tribal water rights in the Colorado River Basin as part of the 2018 Ecogeomorphology class, and provided research support to the Public Policy Institute of California's report on environmental flow accounting in the Delta. Jesse's MS Thesis presented additional results from the Delta Consumptive Use study, demonstrated an application of consumptive use data to water rights administration, and provided further policy recommendations. Jesse is now a Water Resource Control Engineer at the California State Water Resources Control Board's Division of Water Rights. He previously worked as an Assistant Engineer with Natural Resources Consulting Engineers, holds a BS in Environmental Engineering from Colorado State University, and is a registered EIT.

Research Interests & Expertise
  • Water Resources Planning and Management