Malte Willmes

Profile image for Malte Willmes

Position Title
Emeritus Postdoctoral Scholar

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Southwest Fisheries Science Center

In my research I apply geochemical tracers to investigate habitat changes and movement patters of different fish species, including Chinook Salmon, Delta and Longfin Smelt, and White Sturgeon, to provide scientific input into their management and conservation in the San Francisco Estuary.

For these projects I collaborate with many different research groups outside of the UC Santa Cruz campus including the Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology, the Center for Watershed Sciences, and the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department, all at UC Davis. In addition we work directly with many state and federal agencies to translate our scientific findings into management actions.

My research background is in isotope geochemistry and GIS analysis and I was a PhD student at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. There I was involved in the application of stable isotopes to trace prehistoric human and animal mobility in France.


Research Interests & Expertise
  • Geochemistry
  • Fish Ecology
  • Archaeology