Randy Dahlgren

Profile image for Randy Dahlgren

Position Title
Emeritus Faculty

  • Climate Change, Water and Society IGERT
  • Ecology
  • Hydrological Sciences
  • Land Air and Water Resources

Randy Dahlgren is a Professor of Soil Science and Biogeochemistry in the Department of Land, Air and Water Resources.

He is director of the TMDL Research and Technical Support Program, which provides research and technical support for water quality issues in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers.

His principal research interest is watershed-scale biogeochemistry, including interactions of hydrological, geochemical, and biological processes in regulating groundwater and surface water chemistry.

Recent research includes:

  • Rangeland water quality using paired watersheds to examine prescribed fire and grazing effects on nutrients, sediments and pathogens
  • Land use - water quality relationships at the large watershed scale
  • Effects of dams, dam removal and controlled release floods on water quality
  • Effects of floodplain restoration on water quality and lower food web dynamics
  • Hypoxia in the lower San Joaquin River
  • Water quality - food resource dynamics in California rivers
  • Temporal patterns in water quality (inter-annual, seasonal, storm event, diel)
  • Wetlands as a best-management practice for treating irrigation tailwaters
  • Groundwater chemistry in hypersaline Owens Dry Lake
Research Interests & Expertise
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Water Quality