Sage Lee

Profile image for Sage Lee

Position Title
Research Staff


Sage Lee graduated from UC Davis in 2019 with a degree in General Biology and a minor in Anthropology. She started working at the Watershed facility as an undergraduate taking on educational outreach projects and, upon graduation, shifted gears into the Johnson-Jeffres lab. She now works on projects that use chemical analysis of otoliths to better understand fish migration and behavior patterns. She is also involved with the 2020 thiamine deficiency project which studies thiamine deficient Chinook Salmon in the Central Valley. She is keen to learn more about anthropogenic disturbances on the natural world and how they contribute to climate change.

Aside from lab work, Sage is also very interested in making the outdoors more accessible and expanding diversity, equity, and inclusivity in ecology. She hopes to grow as a science communicator and provide peers resources and tools along the way.