Peter Moyle: Dissertations & Theses

Dissertations and Theses of Graduate Students of P. B. Moyle

  1. Holzhauser, N. J. 1975. Factors affecting diet and growth of largemouth bass in Clear Lake, Lake County, California. MS Thesis. 32 pp. 
  2. Sturgess, J. A. 1976. Age, growth, and condition of wild trout in the McCloud River, California. MS thesis. 38 pp. 
  3. Tippets, W. 1976. Epibenthic feeding by rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) in the McCloud River, California. MS Thesis. 39 pp. 
  4. Smith, J. J. 1977. Distribution, movements, and ecology of the fishes of the Pajaro River system, California. Ph.D. diss. Univ. Calif., Davis. 230 pp. 
  5. Daniels, R. A. 1977. The behavior and ecology of some Antarctic fishes. M.S. thesis. 67 pp. 
  6. Senanayake, F. R. 1977. An ecological appraisal of malaria resurgence in Sri Lanka. M.S. 51 pp. 
  7. Broadway, J. 1978. Feeding ecology of the prickly sculpin (Cottus asper) in Clear Lake, Lake County, California. MS thesis. 27 pp. 
  8. Geary, R. E. 1978. Life history of the Clear Lake hitch (Lavinia exilicauda chi). M.S. Thesis, Univ. Calif. Davis. 27 pp. 
  9. Taylor, T. L. 1978. Fish distribution and ecology in streams of the Clear Lake Basin. MS Thesis. 139 pp. 
  10. Grossman, G. D. 1979. Ecological adaptation in the bay goby (Lepidogobius lepidus): behavior, demography, and feeding. PhD Diss. 114 pp. 
  11. Dentler, J. L. 1979. An investigation of instantaneous scale growth and its relationship to body growth in selected fishes. MS thesis. 74 pp. 
  12. Senanayake, F. R. 1980. The biogeography and ecology of the inland fishes of Sri Lanka. PhD Diss. 421 pp. 
  13. Baltz, D. M. 1980. Age specific reproductive tactics and reproductive effort in the tule perch (Hysterocarpus traski) PhD. Diss. 85 pp. 
  14. Daniels, R. A. 1980. Aspects of the biology of Antarctic fishes. Ph.D. Diss. 77 pp. 
  15. Price, D. G. 1980. Responses of stream fish populations to severe drought conditions. MS thesis. 22 pp. 
  16. Harvey, B. C. 1982. Effects of suction dredge mining on fish and invertebrates in California foothill streams. MS Thesis. 34 pp. 
  17. Brown, L. R.. 1982. Age, growth, feeding and behavior of Sacramento squawfish (Ptychocheilus grandis) in Bear Creek, Colusa County, California. M.S. thesis, 31 pp. 
  18. Knight, N. J. 1985. Microhabitats and temperature requirements of hardhead (Mylopharodon conocephalus) and Sacramento squawfish (Ptychocheilus grandis), with notes for some other native California stream fishes. Ph.D. Diss., Univ. Calif., Davis. 161 pp. 
  19. Herbold, B. 1987. Patterns of co-occurrence and resource use in a non-coevolved assemblage of fishes. Ph.D. Diss. 68 pp. 
  20. Brown, L. R.. 1988. Factors determining the distribution of three species of sculpin (Cottus) from the Pit River Drainage, California. Ph.D. Diss. 128 pp. 
  21. Wikramanayake, E. D. 1988. Ecological structure and conservation of fish assemblages in tropical wet-zone streams of Sri Lanka. Ph.D. Diss. 216 pp. 
  22. Strange, E. M. 1989. Analysis and simulation of the effects of extreme flow events on stream fish population dynamics and community structure. MS Thesis. 121 pp. 
  23. White, R. K. 1990. The application of a relational data base to the selection of native fish preserve sites. MS thesis. 50 pp. 
  24. Kershner, J. L. 1991. Physical habitat factors influencing the distribution and abundance of rainbow trout and brown trout in the Little Truckee River. Ph.D. Diss. 128 pp. 
  25. Meng, L.. 1992. Feeding behavior and swimming ability of larval striped bass (Morone saxatilis). PhD Diss. 56 pp. 
  26. Bennett, W. A. 1993. Interaction of food limitation, predation, and anthropogenic intervention on larval striped bass in the San Francisco Bay estuary. Ph.D. diss. 112 pp. 
  27. Swingley, C. S. 1994. A solution to implementation problems in resource agencies: the streambed alteration agreement program (Fish and Game Code Sections 1600-1607). M.S. Thesis. 121 pp. 
  28. Gard, M. G. 1994. Biotic and abiotic factors affecting native stream fishes in the South Yuba River, Nevada County, California. Ph.D. Diss. 174 pp. 
  29. Marchetti, M. P. 1994. Suspended sediment effects on the stream fauna of Humbug Creek. MS thesis. 46 pp. 
  30. Strange E. M. 1995. Pattern and process in stream fish community organization: field study and simulation modelling. Ph.D Diss. 147 pp. 
  31. Randall, P. J. 1997. Distribution and ecology of fish and frogs in tributaries to south fork Yuba River. M.S. thesis. 71 pp. 
  32. Brasher, A. M. 1997. Effects of stream flow alteration on macrofaunal communities of gobies, snails, and shrimp in Hawaiian streams. Ph.D.diss. 167 pp. 
  33. Campbell, E. A. 1998. Influence of streamflow and predators on habitat choice by trout. Ph.D. Diss. 170 pp. 
  34. Dethloff, G. M. 1998. Assessing the status of rainbow trout exposed to sublethal concentrations of metals using bioindicators of exposure and immune system function. Ph.D. Diss. 172 pp. 
  35. Marchetti, M. P. 1999. Ecological effects of non-native fish species in low elevation streams of the Central Valley, California. Ph.D. Diss. 84 pp. 
  36. Matern, S. A. 1999. The invasion of the shimofuri goby (Tridentiger bifasciatus) into California: establishment, potential for spread, and likely effects. Ph.D. Diss. 167 pp. 
  37. Sommer, T. 2002. Aquatic ecology of the Yolo Bypass floodplain evaluation at the species and landscape scales. PhD Diss. 87 pp. 
  38. Hogan, Z. H. 2004. Ecology, genetics, and conservation of migratory catfishes (Pangasiidae) in the Mekong River. Ph.D. Diss. 
  39. Kozlowski, J. F. 2004. Summer distribution, abundance, and movements of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and other fishes in the lower Yuba River, California. MS thesis.
  40. Leidy, R. A. 2004. Ecology, assemblage structure, distribution, and status of fishes in streams tributary to the San Francisco Estuary, California. Ph.D. Diss. 677 pp. 
  41. Merz, J. 2004. Spawning habitat enhancement in regulated river for Pacific salmon. Ph.D. Diss. 181 pp. 
  42. Feliciano, J. B. 2004. A study of the salmonid populations of the Navarro River watershed: tracking declines and tools for monitoring. Ph.D. Diss. 110 pp.
  43. Hobbs, J. 2004.Microscale patterns-macroscale implications: the application of otolith microstructure and microchemistry to assess nursery habitat quality for the threatened delta smelt in the San Francisco Estuary. PhD Diss. 
  44. Ferguson, Leslie. 2005. Quantification of large woody debris for coho habitat restoration. MS thesis.
  45. Chasnoff, Beth 2006. Food webs of the Cosumnes River. Ph.D. Diss. 
  46. Stead, Jonathan. 2007. Exploring reintroduction of Lahontan cutthroat trout in a headwater stream. MS thesis. 
  47. Schroeter, R. E. 2008. Biology and long-term trends of alien hydromedusae and striped bass in a brackish tidal marsh in the San Francisco Estuary. PhD Dissertation .
  48. Grimaldo, L. F. 2009. An examination of factors influencing fish assemblages in the tidal freshwaters of the San Francisco Estuary. PhD Dissertation;
  49. Purdy, S. 2009. Montane Meadows in the Sierra Nevada: A comparison of terrestrial and aquatic surveys. MS thesis. 
  50. Wintzer, A. 2010 Ecology of non-native hydrozoans in the San Francisco Estuary: implications for pelagic organism decline fishes. PhD dissertation. 
  51. Carmona-Catot, G. 2010. Brook trout removal as a conservation tool to restore Eagle Lake rainbow trout. MS Thesis. 30 pp.
  52. Quinones, R. M. 2011. Recovery of Pacific salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the face of climate change: a case study of the Klamath River, California. PhD Dissertation, 129 pp.
  53. O’Rear, Teejay 2012. Diet of an Introduced Estuarine Population of White Catfish in California. MS Thesis.
  54. Gibson, Stanford A. 2013. Comparing depth and velocity grids computed with one- and two-dimensional models at ecohydraulic scales. M.S. Thesis.
  55. Durand, John. 2014. Restoration and reconciliation of novel ecosystems: Open water habitat in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. PhD Dissertation.
  56. Manfree, Amber. 2014 Landscape Change in Suisun Marsh. PhD Dissertation (Geography).
  57. Lusardi, Robert. 2014. Volcanic spring-fed rivers: ecosystem productivity and importance for Pacific salmonids. PhD Dissertation.
  58. Jeffres, Carson. 2016. From Subduction to Salmon: Understanding Physical Process and Ecosystem Function in Aquatic Ecosystems. PhD dissertation.
  59. Cook, Jon. 2016. Spatial and Temporal Trends of Fishes and Aquatic Invertebrates in a Restored Salt Marsh, San Francisco Estuary, CA. MS thesis.
  60. Bush Eva. 2016. Migratory Life Histories and Early Growth of the Endangered Estuarine Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus). MS thesis.
  61. Katz, Jacob. 2017. Restoring Ecological Function by Mimicking Natural Process. PhD dissertation.
  62. Young, Matt. 2018. Submersed Aquatic Vegetation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Implications for Fish Distribution & Food Webs. PhD dissertation.
  63. Aha, Nicole. 2019. Managed Wetlands Benefit Juvenile Salmon in a Tidal Marsh. MS thesis.
  64. Denise Colombano. 2019. Tidal Marsh Habitat Use by Fishes in the San Francisco Estuary. PhD dissertation.
  65. Miranda Bell. 2019. Isotope Tools To Track Floodplain Rearing of Juvenile Chinook Salmon. MS thesis.
  66. Stompe, Dylan. 2022. A Spatiotemporal History of Key Pelagic Fish Species in the San Francisco Estuary, California. PhD dissertation.