Pictures of Lahontan cutthroat trout fieldwork

Growth of Lahontan cutthroat trout from multiple sources re-introduced into Sagehen Creek, CA

New research on Lahontan cutthroat trout in Sagehen Creek is now out in PeerJ. The paper, published by Jonathan Stead, Virginia Boucher, Peter Moyle, and Andrew Rypel, details growth experiments in Sagehen Creek using LCT juveniles from three different sources: Pilot Peak, Independence Lake, and wild fish translocated from a creek nearby. Interestingly, on average fish lost weight throughout the experiment, with the exception of the Independence Lake strain which averaged positive growth in mass and length. These results have the potential to be useful to managers and provide insights into the effort to re-establish LCT.  Read Stead et al. 2022 to learn about the study! 

Stead JE, Boucher VL, Moyle PB, Rypel AL. 2022. Growth of Lahontan cutthroat trout from multiple sources re-introduced into Sagehen Creek, CA. PeerJ 10:e13322




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